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       南京大学环境学院环境工程系副教授、硕士生导师,2003年毕业于南京大学,并留校担任环境学院团委书记、本科生辅导员,2009年09月转入环境工程系进行教学科研工作,2012年12月获环境工程博士学位。长期从事微污染水体(再生水、饮用水源水)中毒害有机物的识别、评估及去除研究。近年来承担国家自然科学基金等各类项目10余项,研究成果在Water Res.等SCI刊物上发表第一/通讯作者论文20余篇,授权国家发明专利近20项,2017年获江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才培养资助。


E-mail : zhouqing@nju.edu.cn


2007/09-2012/12. 南京大学,环境工程,工学博士
1999/09-2003/06. 南京大学,环境化学,理学学士


2013/12 - 至今,南京大学,环境学院,副教授
2008/11 - 2013/12,南京大学,环境学院,讲师
2003/09 - 2008/11,南京大学,环境学院,思政教师,助教




1. 国家自然科学基金, 基于吸附-消毒过程的复合污染水质净化与毒性控制技术原理,2017.1-2020.12,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题,饮用水消毒副产物形成过程及控制技术研究,2013.1-2017.12,主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金, 磁性树脂吸附材料对环境水体中微污染有机物的净化原理及技术研究, 2013.1-2015.12,主持。
4. 江苏省科技厅,精细化工废水中毒害有机污染物全过程控制技术研究与应用,2016.7-2018.6,主持。
5. 江苏省科技厅,基于磁性树脂吸附的化工废水深度处理技术研究与应用,2012.7-2014.6,主持。
6. 江苏省太湖办,太湖流域工业园区特征污染物调研,2015.07-2015.12,主持;
7. 江苏省太湖办,太湖办水质监测评估项目,2014.09-2014.12,主持;
8. 中国环境科学研究院,环境保护标准优先控制污染物评估与筛选-水,2011.12-2013.11,主持。
9. 国家自然科学基金委重点基金,磁性树脂深度处理去除城市污水中难降解有毒有害物质的技术原理,2015.01-2019.12,研究骨干。
10. 国家自然科学基金委重点基金,基于聚合物吸附剂吸附的饮用水优质高效净化原理与技术,2010.1-2013.12,研究骨干。
11. 科技部重大专项,贾鲁河流域废水治理与回用关键技术研究与示范,2009.1-2012.9,研究骨干。
12. 科技部863重点项目,树脂型高效吸附剂的制备和应用关键技术与工程示范,2009.1-2013.12,研究骨干。
13. 科技部863项目,低浓度用于水溶性有机污染物深度处理技术开发,2010.6-2013.6,研究骨干


1. Yang Pan, Ying Wang, Aimin Li, Bin Xu, Qiming Xian, Chendong Shuang, Peng Shi, Qing Zhou*. Detection, formation and occurrence of 13 new polar phenolic chlorinated and brominated disinfection byproducts in drinking water. Water Research. 112(2017)129-136.
2. Jing Jin, Tianyu Feng, Yan Ma, Wei Wang, Yunshu Wang, Qing Zhou*, Aimin Li. Novel magnetic carboxyl modified hypercrosslinked resins for effective removal of typical PPCPs. Chemosphere 185 (2017) 563-573.
3. Jiade Cheng, Qingqing Zhao, Jing Jin, Mancheng Zhang, Qing Zhou*. Preparation of Novel Magnetic Amino-modi?ed Hypercrosslinked Resins for Effective Removal of Aromatic Nitro-compounds. Chemistry Letters. 2017, 46, 61–64.
4. Zhijian Yao, Qingqing Zhao, Yan Ma, Wei Wang, Qing Zhou* & Aimin Li*.Magnetic microsphere-based portable solid phase extraction device for on-site pre-concentration of organics from large-volume water samples. Scientific Reports, 7(2017) 8069.
5. Qimeng Li, Zheng Wang, Qiang Li, Chendong Shuang*, Qing Zhou, Aimin Li*, Canzhu Gao. Competition and enhancement effect in coremoval of atenolol and copper by an easily regenerative magnetic cation exchange resin. Chemosphere, 179(2017)1-9.
6. Wentao Li, Jing Jin, Qiang Li, Chenfei Wu, Hai Lu, Qing Zhou*, Ai-Min Li*. Developing LED UV fluorescence sensors for online monitoring DOM and predicting DBPs formation potential during water treatment, Water Research, 93 (2016)1-9.
7. Wei Wang, Jiade Cheng, Jing Jin, Qing Zhou*, Yan Ma, Qingqing Zhao, Aimin Li. Effect of humic acid on ciprofloxacin removal by magnetic multifunctional resins. Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 30331.
8. Zengyin Zhu, Jiawen Xie, Mancheng Zhang, Qing Zhou*, Fuqiang Liu, Insight into the adsorption of PPCPs by porous adsorbents: Effect of the properties of adsorbents and adsorbates, Environmental Pollution. 214 (2016): 524-531.
9. Yang Pan*, Wenbin Li, Aimin Li*, Qing Zhou, Peng Shi, and Ying Wang. A New Group of Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water: Trihalo-hydroxy- cyclopentene-diones. Environmental Science &Technology. 2016, 50, 7344- 7352
10. Wen-Tao Li*, Marius Majewsky, Gudrun Abbt-Braunb, Harald Horn, Jing Jin, Qiang Li, Qing Zhou, Ai-Min Li*. Application of portable online LED UV fluorescence sensor to predict the degradation of dissolved organic matter and trace organic contaminants during ozonation. Water Research. 101(2017)262-271.
11. Qiang Li, Baijun Wang, Wentao Li, Cheng Wang, Qing Zhou, Chendong Shuang*, Aimin Li*. Performance evaluation of magnetic anion exchange resin removing fluoride. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2016, 91(6):1747-1754.
12. Wentao Li, Zixiao Xu, Chendong Shuang, Qing Zhou, Haibo Li, Aimin Li*. Removal of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in biologically treated textile effluents by NDMP anion exchange process: efficiency and mechanism. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(6): 5635-5643.
13. Yan Ma, Jiawen Xie, Jing Jin, Wei Wang, Zhijian Yao, Qing Zhou*, Aimin Li, Ying Liang. Development of a magnetic solid-phase extraction coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography method for the analysis of polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Journal of separation science. 2015, 38(14): 2516-2525.
14. Sicong Zhou, Jingfan Qiu, Ying Liang, Yan Ma, Wei Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xun Chen, Peng Shi, Aimin Li. Development of a magnetic solid-phase extraction coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry method for the analysis of semivolatile organic compounds. Journal of separation science. 2015, 38(18): 3295–3303.
15. Wei Wang, Yan Ma, Aimin Li, Qing Zhou*, Weiwei Zhou, Jing Jin. Two novel multi-functional magnetic adsorbents for effective removal of hydrophilic and hydrophobic nitroaromatic compounds. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 294 (2015): 158-167.
16. Wei Wang, Yan Ma, Qing Zhou*, Chendong Shuang, Mancheng Zhang, Aimin Li. Preparation of a permanent magnetic hypercrosslinked resin and assessment of its ability to remove organic micropollutants from drinking water. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2015, 9(1): 96–104
17. Chendong Shuang, Jun Wang, Haibo Li, Aimin Li, Qing Zhou*. Effect of the chemical structure of anion exchange resin on the adsorption of humic acid: Bebavior and mechanism. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 437 (2015) 163-169.
18. Peng Shi, Rong Ma, Qing Zhou, Aimin Li?, Bing Wu, Yu Miao, Xun Chen, Xuxiang Zhang??.Chemical and bioanalytical assessments on drinking water treatments by quaternized magnetic microspheres. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 285 (2015): 53-60.
19. Qing Zhou, Wei Wang, Chendong Shuang, Mengqiao Wang, Yan Ma, Aimin Li. Reusable magnetic microspheres for efficient removal of atrazine in aqueous media. Chemical Engineering Journal, 253(2014): 190-197.
20. Yan Ma, Qing Zhou*, Aimin Li*, Chendong Shuang, Qianqian Shi, Mancheng Zhang. Preparation of a novel magnetic microporous adsorbent and its adsorption behavior of p-nitrophenol and chlorotetracycline. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2014, 266: 84-93.
21. Yan Ma, Qing Zhou*, Sicong Zhou, Wei Wang, Jing Jin, Jiawen Xie, Aimin Li, Chendong Shuang. A bifunctional adsorbent with high surface area and cation exchange property for synergistic removal of tetracycline and Cu2+. Chemical Engineering Journal. 258 (2014) 26–33.
22. Mancheng Zhang, Aimin Li, Qing Zhou*, Chendong Shuang, Yang Zhou, Mengqiao Wang. Preparation and high reusability of a novel acid-resistant magnetic weak acid resin for Ni2+ removal. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014, 53: 340-345.
23. Mancheng Zhang, Aimin Li, Qing Zhou*, Chendong Shuang, Weiwei Zhou, Mengqiao Wang. Effect of pore size distribution on tetracycline adsorption using magnetic hypercrosslinked resins. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 184 (2014) 105–111
24. Peng Shi, Shuyu Jia, Xuxiang Zhang, Fuzheng Zhao, Yajun Chen, Qing Zhou, Shupei Cheng, Aimin Li. A cross-omics toxicological evaluation of drinking water treated with different processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 271 (2014): 57-64.
25. Chendong Shuang, Mengqiao Wang, Penghui Li, Aimin Li, Qing Zhou, Fei Pan, Weiwei Zhou. Adsorption of humic acid fractions with different molecular weight by magnetic polyacrylic anion exchange resin. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2014, 14 (2): 312-319.
26. Qiang Li, Weihua Tao, Aimin Li, Qing Zhou, Chendong Shuang. Poly (4-vinylpyridine) catalyzed isomerization of maleic acid to fumaric acid. Applied Catalysis A: General 484 (2014) 148-153.
27. Jun Wang, Haibo Li, Aimin Li, Chendong Shuang, Qing Zhou. Dissolved organic matter removal by magnetic anion exchange resin and released ion elimination by electrolysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 253 (2014) 237–242.
28. Haibo Li, Aimin Li, Chendong Shuang, Qing Zhou, Wentao Li. Fouling of anion exchange resin by fluorescence analysis in advanced treatment of municipal wastewaters. Water Research, 66 (2014) 233-241.
29. Qianqian Shi, Aimin Li*, Qing Zhou, Chendong Shuang, Yan Li, Yan Ma. Utilization of waste cation exchange resin to prepare carbon/iron composites for the adsorption of contaminants in water. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2014, 20(6): 4256-4260.
30. Qing Zhou, Mengqiao Wang, Aimin Li, Chendong Shuang, Mancheng Zhang, Xiaohan Liu, Liuyan Wu. Preparation of a novel anion exchange group modified hyper-crosslinked resin for the effective adsorption of both tetracycline and humic acid. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 7(2013): 412–419.
31. Mancheng Zhang, Qing Zhou*, Aimin Li*, Chendong Shuang, Wei Wang, Mengqiao Wang. A magnetic sorbent for the efficient and rapid extraction of organic micropollutants from large-volume environmental water samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 1316 (2013): 44–52.
32. Mengqiao Wang, Qing Zhou*, Mancheng Zhang, Chendong Shuang, Yang Zhou, Aimin Li. Preparation of a novel magnetic resin for effective removal of both natural organic matter and organic micropollutants. Chinese Chemical Letters. 24 (2013) 601–604.
33. Chendong Shuang, Mengqiao Wang, Qing Zhou*, Weiwei Zhou, Aimin Li*. Enhanced adsorption and antifouling performance of anion-exchange resin by the effect of incorporated Fe3O4 for removing humic acid. Water Research. 47 (2013): 6406-6417.
34. Mingfang Xia, Aimin Li, Zhaolian Zhu, Qing Zhou, Wenben Yang. Factors influencing antibiotics adsorption onto engineered adsorbents. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 2013, 25: 1291-1299.
35. Wentao Li, Zixiao Xu, Aimin Li, Wei Wu, Qing Zhou, Jinnan Wang. HPLC/HPSEC-FLD with multi-excitation/emission scan for EEM interpretation and dissolved organic matter analysis. Water Research. 2013, 47: 1246-1256.
36. Qing Zhou, Zheqin Li, Chendong Shuang, Aimin Li, Mancheng Zhang, Mengqiao Wang. Efficient removal of tetracycline by reusable magnetic microspheres with a high surface area. Chemical Engineering Journal. 210 (2012) 350–356.
37. Qing Zhou, Man Cheng Zhang, Chen Dong Shuang, Zhe Qin Li, Ai Min Li. Preparation of a novel magnetic powder resin for the rapid removal of tetracycline in the aquatic environment. Chinese Chemical Letters. 23 (2012) 745–748.
38. Qing Zhou, Zheqin Li, Chendong Shuang, Aimin Li, Mengqiao Wang, Mancheng Zhang. Preparation of acid-resistant magnetic adsorbent for effective removal of p-nitrophenol. Chinese Chemical Letters. 23 (2012) 1079–1082.
39. Mancheng Zhang, Qing Zhou, Yang Zhou, Aimin Li, Chendong Shuang. Efficient adsorption and desorption of Cu2+ by a novel acid-resistant magnetic weak acid resin. Chinese Chemical Letters. 23 (2012) 1267–1270
40. Yang Zhou, Chendong Shuang, Qing Zhou, Mancheng Zhang, Penghui Li, Aimin Li. Preparation and application of a novel magnetic anion exchange resin for selective nitrate removal. Chinese Chemical Letters. 23 (2012) 813–816.
41. Chendong Shuang, Fei Pan, Qing Zhou, Aimin Li, Penghui Li. Magnetic polyacrylic anion exchange resin: preparation, characterization and adsorption behavior of humic acid. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012, 51, 4380–4387.
42. Chendong Shuang, Penghui Li, Aimin Li, Qing Zhou, Mancheng Zhang, Yang Zhou. Quaternized magnetic microspheres for the efficient removal of reactive dyes. Water Research, 2012, 46, 4417-4426.
43. Chendong Shuang, Feng Yang, Fei Pan, Qing Zhou, WeibenYang, Aimin Li*. Preparation of magnetic anion exchange resin and their adsorption kinetic behavior of reactive blue. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2011, 22(9): 1091-1094.


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